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Short Course #2: Teaching the Course in Business & Professional Communication

Thursday, April 25, 4:00 - 5:15 pm

Teaching the Course in Business & Professional Communication


Todd Allen, Geneva College
Matt Fuss, Geneva College
Denise Murphy Gerber, Geneva College


Quite often in the academy, courses in Business and those in Communication are offered in separate departments, with very little interaction between the faculty and students in those respective disciplines.  This dichotomy, while part of the academy, is not the reality of the workplace.  By offering a course in Business Communication, colleges and universities can better serve their students, while also reflecting the reality of human experience---business and communication are co-partners not competitors.  A course in Business & Professional Communication encourages and equips students with an understanding and mastery of the communication skills which are essential for interacting effectively with people in the workplace and in the society at large.

Outline of Topics

Learning Outcomes

At the completion of the short course, participants will…

Teaching Methods

This short course draws from the educational and professional experiences of faculty who share a deep understanding of the disciplines of Business and Communication, in addition to real world industry experience.  Participants will engage in discussion, as well as experiential learning throughout the course. 

Target Audience

This short course is designed for professors of courses in Business & Professional Communication, as well as those persons interested in developing a course for their college or university.

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