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ECA 2018 - Call for Papers: G.I.F.T.S. (Great Ideas for Teaching Students)

109th Annual ECA Convention

2018 CALL FOR PAPERS: G.I.F.T.S. (Great Ideas for Teaching Students) 

Building Bridges 

Omni William Penn Hotel

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

April 25-29, 2018 


OCTOBER 15, 2017 

Pittsburgh, also known as the city of bridges, will be home to the 2018 Eastern Communication Association Convention. Pittsburgh has a unique topography, being situated at the confluence of the Allegheny and Monongahela, which forms the Ohio River. When a city is located on water, bridges span the horizon.

The bridges of Pittsburgh play an important role in the city's infrastructure. Without the 446 bridges interlacing the city, Pittsburgh would be a region of isolated communities. Just as the bridges in the city connect communities, communication has the opportunity to build bridges within and outside of our discipline, creating countless opportunities for research, teaching, and service.

The 2018 theme, Building Bridges, invites the exploration of cross-disciplinary research and encourages finding possibilities for connecting our research to theory and practice, creating new approaches to teaching, and collaborating with communities for service and civic engagement opportunities. How can we build bridges within our discipline? How do we communicate and engage others when the bridges are broken? What are ways in which communication creates opportunities for new connections and for building new bridges? What can we gain by fostering communication among our many communities in order to promote further connection?

We invite your submissions in consideration of building bridges within and outside of the classroom. What are pedagogically-focused ways that we can build bridges within and between our students, our colleagues, our communities, and within the academy? 

You are encouraged to submit an activity, assignment, project, game, or simulation that you have successfully used in the classroom. The activity should address specific communication theory(s), concept(s), skill(s) or learning objective(s) appropriate to the communication discipline at the college classroom level.

Guidelines for Submission:

  1. Choose a “Great Idea” that you have successfully used in the classroom.
  2. Create a well-written, mistake-free proposal that includes the following:
  1. The proposal should be no more than 1-2 pages long. A bibliography may be included, if relevant.
  2. Submissions must include a separate cover page with the submitter’s full contact information and institutional affiliation.
  3. Indicate any technology needs (keeping in mind that equipment rental is very expensive). Reasonable requests for technology support will not be met unless they accompany the proposal submission.
  4. A statement of professional responsibility (see below).

Please send your complete submission to Michael Stutz at by October 15, 2017 as either a .doc/.docx or .pdf file by October 15, 2017. Please put your name and “ECA G.I.F.T.S. submission” in the subject line. 


Michael Stutz
G.I.F.T.S. Planner, ECA 2018  

Statement of Professional Responsibility

The following statement MUST be included with every submission of a paper or panel in order for it to be eligible for review. 

In submitting the attached paper or proposal, I/We recognize that this submission is considered a professional responsibility. I/We agree to present this panel or paper if it is accepted and programmed. I/We further recognize that all who attend and present at ECA’s annual meeting must register and pay required fees.

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