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ECA 2018 - Call for Papers: Communication Traits Interest Group

Communication Traits Interest Group

The Communication Traits Interest Group invites the submission of competitive papers, thematic programs/panels, and extended abstracts of work in progress concerned with the methodologies, measurement and application of communication predispositions or tendencies that influence human behavior and responses across communication contexts for ECA’s 109th Annual Convention in Pittsburgh, PA April 25 – 29, 2018. 

Submissions directly related to the convention theme—Building Bridges—are particularly encouraged. 

Submission Guidelines

To ensure all submissions are received, please follow the submission guidelines below:

  1. All submissions must be submitted electronically to the ECA Communication Traits Interest Group Chair, Cristina González Alcalá at as a Microsoft Word document or PDF.
  2. Each submission should be made to one unit only.
  3. Exclude your name or initials when saving the file.
  4. Save the title page as a separate file and name it by using the brief title of your work preceded by the phrase “TITLE PAGE,” for example: TITLE PAGE – ARG and VA in Health Disparities.pdf.
  5. Save the main work as a separate file and name it by using the brief title of your work preceded by the word “SUBMISSION,” for example: SUBMISSION – ARG and VA in Health Disparities.pdf.
  6. Use “ECA SUBMISSION” as the subject line in your submission email.
  7. If an ADA accommodation exists, please notify the Interest Group Chair.
  8. All submissions must include the following Statement of Professional Responsibility:

In submitting the attached paper or proposal, I/We recognize that this submission is considered a professional responsibility. If this submission is accepted and programmed, I/We agree to register for the 2018 ECA Convention, pay fees, and present in Philadelphia. I/We understand that presenters with last minute emergencies must make arrangements as possible for an alternate presenter as well as communicate their absences to both the Interest Group Planner and ECA VP; no shows will be removed from the official program.

Selected submitters must register, attend and present their research. Instructions on how to submit a proposal to the conference are available on the Call for Papers page of the ECA Convention website. 

Submissions of Completed Papers

Submitted papers should include two files:

  1. Title page file
  2. The main paper file

Submissions of Program/Panel Proposals

Submitted panel discussions should include:

  1. A title page with a thematic title for the proposal.
  2. Statement of Professional Responsibility
  3. A description of the panel (maximum 75 words) to appear in the final program.
  4. Names of the chair (required) and respondent (optional). The respondent must be different from the chair.
  5. Names and contact information for all participants (institutional affiliation, mailing addresses, phone numbers, email addresses).
  6. A title and abstract for each presentation.
  7. A detailed rationale for the program/panel.

Unless a specific initiative is being highlighted, panels where all participants are from the same institution are discouraged and will be less likely to be accepted. 

Submissions of Extended Abstracts of Papers

Extended abstracts of papers in progress should show a reasonable expectation of being available as a completed paper by the time of the ECA Annual Convention. Each submission should follow the guidelines detailed in the Submissions of Completed Papers section. 


Submission deadline is 11:59pm Eastern Time on Saturday, October 15, 2017. We strongly encourage submission before this deadline.

Audiovisual Equipment

Participants are encouraged to prepare presentations that do not need special technology or AV equipment unless they can provide their own. Participants planning on bringing their own equipment must notify the Interest Group Chair in writing as the hotel requires documentation of outside equipment being used.

Additional Information

The ECA website has additional information about the convention. Additional information about this call for papers may be requested by contacting the Communication Traits Interest Group Chair.

Communication Traits Interest Group Chair

Cristina González Alcalá, MPA, MA
Research Associate
Summit Education Initiative
Quaker Square Suite 330
120 E Mill St.
Akron, OH 44310
Cell: 330.510.1505

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