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ECA 2024 - Philosophy of Communication Interest Group Call for Submissions
Call for Submissions
The 115th Annual Convention of the Eastern Communication Association
Philosophy of Communication Division
Submission Deadline: September 18, 2023
Submission link for Philosophy of Communication Interest Group
Please note the earlier submission deadline of September 18; this is to ensure a smooth timeline for planning a March 2024 convention.
Undergraduate Scholars Conference (including undergraduate posters) and graduate poster submissions are due on December 1, 2023.
All submissions should be uploaded and processed through Attendee Interactive.
Convention theme: Currents
Hyatt Regency Boston/Cambridge, Cambridge, MA
March 20-24, 2024
ECA 2024’s convention theme is Currents, which serves as a metaphor for how ideas are the currents that shape our discipline, and specifically scholarship in philosophy of communication, in this historical moment. The Philosophy of Communication Interest Group welcomes completed papers and panel submissions which focus on themes rooted in philosophy of communication that also intersect with the conference theme Currents.
Some questions that might guide scholarship for the Philosophy of Communication division include but not limited to:
How do historical currents shape our scholarship in philosophy of communication?
In what ways can philosophy of communication scholars creatively engage the metaphor of currents?
How does philosophy of communication scholarship currently shape the study and practice of communication?
How do we support our current students – undergraduate and graduate – in navigating their academic experiences?
What kinds of impacts do current technologies have on communication pedagogy?
What current trends and movements are changing the direction of teaching, learning, practicing, and theorizing/philosophizing communication?
Hotel Information
Hyatt Regency Cambridge-Boston
Address: 575 Memorial Dr., Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States, 02139-4896
Phone: 617.492.1234
Hotel Rate: $229/night single/double plus 14.45% tax
Submitters are encouraged to create panels comprised of individuals from different institutions. Chairs and respondents should not also serve as panelists.
Program Categories
A. Individual submissions of complete papers should include the following elements:
1. The word “Debut” marked on all papers written by authors who have not presented previously at a regional or national convention.
2. An abstract on the second page.
3. A statement of professional responsibility.
** If the paper has multiple authors, please indicate who will be presenting at the convention.
B. Submission of program/panel proposals should include the following elements:
1. A thematic title for the program.
2. Names of the chair and respondents (if any). Chairs should not also be designated as respondents.
3. Names, mailing addresses, telephone numbers, email addresses, and institutional affiliations of all participants.
4. Titles and abstracts for each paper or presentation.
5. A program copy (no more than a 75-word description) as it should appear in the final program.
6. A detailed rationale for the program/panel.
7. A statement of professional responsibility.
C. Submission of Roundtable proposals should include the following elements submitted through Attendee Interactive:
1. Roundtable Title
2. Name of the chair
3. Participants (Featured Experts): Names, mailing addresses, telephone numbers, email addresses, and institutional affiliations of all participants.
4. Description: A program copy (no more than a 75-word description) as it should appear in the final program.
5. Rationale for Roundtable (10,000 Character max)
6. Target Audience (10,000 Character max)
7. Requests for Audio-Visual Equipment: Internet Access, Laptop Audio, LCD Projector
8. Special Requests
9. Supporting Document(s): Purpose of the roundtable (program copy), agenda for roundtable, and invitation for audience participation.
10. A statement of professional responsibility.
D. Submission of Debate should include the following elements: A traditional debate on an announced topic, with pro and con statements and rebuttals.
1. Debate Title and format
2. Name of the debate moderator
3. Debaters: Names, mailing addresses, telephone numbers, email addresses, and institutional affiliations of all participants.
4. Debate topic and description: A program copy (no more than a 75-word description) as it should appear in the final program.
5. Rationale (10,000 Character max)
6. Target Audience (10,000 Character max)
7. Requests for Audio-Visual Equipment: Internet Access, Laptop Audio, LCD Projector
8. Special Requests
9. A statement of professional responsibility.
E. Submission of Open Forum: A semi-structured public discussion of a predetermined topic of interest introduced and moderated by a chair. The goal of such a program is to share information, ideas, concerns, and special interests.
1. Title
2. Description of topic: No more than a 75-word description as it should appear in the final program.
3. Rationale (10,000 Character max)
4. Names, mailing addresses, telephone numbers, email addresses, and institutional affiliations of all participants.
5. Target Audience (10,000 Character max)
6. Special Requests
7. A statement of professional responsibility.
*Include the following Statement of Professional Responsibility with submissions which MUST be included with every submission of a paper or panel in order for it to be eligible for review.
In submitting the attached paper or proposal, I/We recognize that this submission is considered a professional responsibility. I/We agree to present this panel or paper if it is accepted or programmed. I/We further recognize that all who attend and present at ECA’s annual meeting must register and pay required fees.
For additional information about the upcoming convention, please visit ECA’s website All questions or concerns related to the Philosophy of Communication Interest Group can be directed to:
Özüm Üçok-Sayrak, Ph.D.
Department of Communication & Rhetorical Studies
Duquesne University