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ECA 2024 ... Interpretation & Performance Studies Interest Group Call for Submissions
Performance Studies friends---Call for papers!
Eastern Communication Association 115th Annual Convention
Theme: Currents
Dates: March 20-24, 2024
Location: Hyatt Regency Boston/Cambridge, Cambridge, MA
Submission Deadline: September 18, 2023, 11:59 PM PDT
The Interpretation & Performance Studies Interest Group invites submissions for the 116th Convention for the 2024 Eastern Communication Association. We’ll meet in Cambridge, MA March 20-24, 2024. The deadline for submissions is September 18, 2023, 11:59pm PDT.
IPS considers performance a method of communication inquiry and embodied way of knowing and presenting information. With this in mind, we are open to a variety of submission formats including papers, paper panels, performances, performance panels, film sessions, page to stage sessions, conversations with performance scholars that address or respond to a variety of current topics, issues, situations. We especially encourage members to embrace the convention theme: Currents. Dr. Jeanne Persuit, First Vice President & Primary Convention Planner, notes that “we are excited to be in this beautiful, newly renovated hotel on the banks of the Charles River.” The theme “represents our convention location at the banks of the Charles River in Cambridge while serving as a metaphor for how ideas are the currents that shape our discipline in this contemporary moment.” Jeanne encourages membership to explore the currents of communication through questions such as:
- How do historical currents shape our current terrain of the study of communication?
- How can the communication discipline move ideas and theories into a wider body of knowledge?
- How do theories currently shape the practice of communication?
- What communication ideas, topics, or concepts have currents worn down or created anew?
- How do we support our current students—undergraduate and graduate—in navigating their academic experiences?
- What kinds of impacts do current technologies have on communication pedagogy?
- What current trends and movements are changing the direction of teaching, learning, practicing, and theorizing communication?
We believe this year’s theme enables our division to shine by encouraging submissions that are innovative and current in both content and form. We welcome submissions that, for example: move beyond traditional research presentations and engage audiences in current ways; perform embodied moments for current personal, political, professional, etc. contexts; narrate our current communities, discipline, research, teaching; critically and creatively engage our current institutions, including the academy and beyond; explore the current relationship between performance art and the discipline, academy and beyond; showcase current public, performative discourse; critique or embrace the current logics associated with technologies that intersect with our lives (i.e., AI, social media, virtual reality, etc.)….and beyond! We know our membership is creative in their thoughts and approaches, and we look forward to seeing the direction in which our members take the current theme!
The Interpretation & Performance Studies Interest Group (IPS) plays well with others! As much of our work intersects with diverse voices and methodologies, we especially encourage proposals that can be co-sponsored by our colleagues in other interest groups such as Voices of Diversity, Intercultural Communication, or other areas. Some ideas for submission include critical/cultural considerations, autoethnographic engagement, narrative methodological work, and new and innovative approaches to and considerations for performance studies scholars. The interest group welcomes co-sponsorship between other interest groups, when appropriate. We have a Facebook group “ECA Interpretation and Performance Studies Interest Group” to brainstorm and collaborate with others. In addition, if you’re looking for collaborators, panel members, or have ideas (or questions), please email the interest group chair at
The Interpretation & Performance Studies Interest Group at ECA utilizes Attendee Interactive for all submissions and blind reviews. Please note, technology availability is limited at ECA; if your proposal would be impossible without technology, please explain this information in your proposal.
Upload your submission at the following site:
Papers should be a maximum of 25 double-spaced pages, not including references and appendices, and typed in 12-point font with 1-inch margins. Be sure to include an abstract. Times New Roman font is preferred. Papers should be written in accordance with the University of Chicago Manual of Style or APA 7th edition. The main document must be blind; that is, DO NOT include any identifying author/s, institution/s, or contact information. The IPS interest group will award a Top Paper in this panel.
Paper panel proposals should include: a title; names of chair & respondent; names, mailing addresses, telephone numbers, email addresses, and institutional affiliations of all participants; a document with unidentified titles and abstracts for each paper or presentation topic in the panel; program copy for the session (no more than a 75-word description) as it should appear in the final program; and a detailed rationale for the program/panel. Proposals should be written in accordance with the University of Chicago Manual of Style or APA 7th edition. The document/s must be blind; that is, DO NOT include any identifying author/s, institution/s, or contact information.
Round table discussion proposals should include: a title; names, mailing addresses, telephone numbers, email addresses, and institutional affiliations of all participants; program copy (no more than a 75-word description) as it should appear in the final program; and a detailed rationale for the discussion/program, including hopes for audience participation. The request for audience participation should be included in the 100-word description. The document/s must be blind; that is, DO NOT include any identifying author/s, institution/s, or contact information.
If you have a group of performances around a theme or a longer form solo performance, choose either Paper or Panel session, and then please include a label at the top of your submission as a “Performance Session,” “Page to Stage Session,” or “Conversations with a Scholar Session.” Each of these proposal types should include supporting documents that explain the purpose of the session, an agenda for the session, program copy for the session (no more than a 75-word description) as it should appear in the final program, and an invitation for audience participation (if applicable). All submitted document/s must be blind; that is, DO NOT include any identifying author/s, institution/s, or contact information.
All submissions must include the Statement of Professional Responsibility:
In submitting the attached paper or proposal, I/We recognize that an accepted paper, panel, or poster is considered a professional responsibility. If this submission is accepted and programmed, I/We agree to register for the ECA convention, pay fees, and present the work. I/We understand that presenters with last minute emergencies should take all possible measures to arrange an alternate presenter and communicate their plans to both the Interest Group Planner and ECA VP.
Convention Acceptance Notifications: January 2023
Please reach out to me if you have any questions or ideas!
Christi Saindon, PhD (she/her)
Interpretation & Performance Studies Interest Group Planner, ECA 2024
CUNY-Queensborough Community College