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ECA 2023 ... Intercultural Communication Interest Group ... Call for Submissions

ECA 2023 Convention - Intercultural Communication Interest Group Call 


114th Annual Eastern Communication Association (ECA) Convention

Harboring Innovation

Hyatt Regency Inner Harbor, Baltimore, MD

March 29-April 2, 2023

Submission Deadline: October 16, 2022, 11:59 PM PST

The Intercultural Communication Interest Group is requesting paper and panel submissions for the 114th Annual ECA Convention. Jennifer Waldeck (First Vice President) invites ECA interest groups and members to develop programming for the convention that focuses on how we have innovated and how we need to innovate to remain relevant, cutting-edge, and unique. In what ways is our field at the forefront of studying the powerful relationships among communication and our relationships, organizations, communities, and the environment? What innovative theories, questions, methods, data analysis techniques, and practices are emerging from our field? What opportunities exist for us to innovate with our research, service, pedagogy, and practice? How are you responding to your environment to ensure that your work and our field are addressing the practical communication concerns of today and tomorrow? 

Our “Harboring Innovation” conference will provide a venue to showcase how we are innovating, and to deliberate the ways in which we must innovate to ensure that the communication discipline continues to make an important impact at all levels of society. 

The Intercultural Communication Interest Group is devoted to the study and practice of representing, performing, and negotiating cultural identities in face-to-face interaction and mediated communication in cross-cultural and international contexts. The interest group welcomes submissions from scholars at all stages in their academic career, especially those interested in integrating theory and practice in intercultural communication research.

Papers and panel/program proposals must be submitted electronically by Sunday, October 16, 2022 at 11:59 PM PST. 

ECA uses Attendee Interactive to manage submissions and reviews. This is the same system used by the National Communication Association so you may be familiar with it. You will be prompted to create a new User ID and Password to submit your work through this link: The link can also be found on ECA’s website at Attendee Interactive. 

The Intercultural Communication Interest Group invites two types of submission with the following specific requirements for each type: 

Submission Guidelines for Completed Papers 

Papers should be written in accordance with the University of Chicago Manual of Style or APA 6th edition (whichever is appropriate). The following fields will be completed for individual submissions: 

  • Title
  • Description (aka. Abstract) including the Professional Responsibility Statement.
  • Student Paper
  • Debut Submission
  • Special requests
  • Audio Visual Form
  • Upload final paper or additional documents (file types accepted: Word or PDF).
  • Be sure to remove any identifying information from the paper that is uploaded to Attendee Interactive to ensure a blind review 

Submission Guidelines for Panel/Program Proposals 

Please submit panel/program proposals is one MS Word file (.doc or .docx). Proposals should be written according to the University of Chicago Manual of Style or APA 6th edition (whichever is appropriate). Include the following items in all panel/program submissions: 

  • Thematic Title
  • Participants (Names & Affiliations) including chair and respondent.
  • Estimated Attendance
  • Special requests
  • Rationale
  • Audio Visual Form
  • Upload supporting documents that include titles and abstract for each paper or
    presentation, program copy (no more than a 75-word description) as it should appear in the final program, and Statement of Professionalism (see below).
  • Please include the following statement with submissions: 

In submitting the attached paper/panel, I/We recognize that this submission is considered a professional responsibility. I/We agree to present this paper/panel if it is accepted and programmed. I/We further recognize that all who attend and present at ECA’s annual meeting must register and pay required fees.  

Please send your inquiries to the Intercultural Communication Interest Group Chair, Dr. Angela Putman, at For additional information about the upcoming convention, please visit ECA’s website

Thanks so much and I look forward to receiving your proposals!


Angela L. Putman, Ph.D.
Chair and 2023 Program Planner
Intercultural Communication Interest Group
Eastern Communication Association 

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