
March 20 (2:05PM) - 24 (2:05PM), 2024

Session: Currents of Influence: Riding the Wave of Lifelong Learning

Interest Group: Short Course
With the growth in podcasting and the number of adults who use them as a vehicle for lifelong learning, the demand for our theoretical knowledge as content-area experts has never been higher. Traditionally, the great majority of formal learning takes place in the classroom, prior to the age of 23. Relatedly, as academic scholars, our knowledge and corresponding scholarship is typically geared towards two audiences: a) college students, who may find the content interesting, yet often very abstract and inapplicable in their current life situations; and b) other academics, who are also experts in the content area. But what if we took our scholarship and theoretical knowledge directly to the real-world audiences who need it now for the ultimate in praxis and applied communication? This short course focuses on helping professors rebrand themselves to take their expertise directly to those who need it most through the vehicle of podcasting.


Jennifer Brubaker, UNC Wilmington

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