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ECA 2017 - Call for Competitive Graduate Posters

Call for Competitive Graduate Posters
The 108th Eastern Communication Association Convention

Freedom To…Freedom From…
Boston, MA
March 29th – April 2nd, 2017

Submission Deadline: December 16, 2016
(Note: This deadline enables full semester preparation)


Please identify your submission with the subject line: “ECA Graduate Poster Submission”

Submission Format: Please submit two WORD documents. The first document should include the title of the poster and the author’s institutional affiliation, mailing address, telephone number, and email address. The second document should only have the title of the poster on the first page (a running head can also be included), an abstract and a brief description of the research to be presented. No author identifying information should be included on the second document.

The theme of the convention is Freedom To…Freedom From… Poster sessions allow for graduate students to have a full professional audience for their research ideas, which then can receive significant feedback for moving ahead with projects and ideas. If you have never presented at an academic conference, poster sessions are a comfortable foray into the academic community. Papers for the competitive graduate poster session will be accepted from every sub-discipline in the field of communication. 

Competitive poster presentations involve an author or authors standing next to a physical poster that visually explains the crux of the paper, research, or project. Convention participants, including judges, view the posters and talk to the authors about their studies. We strongly encourage all accepted presenters to provide a single or half sheet handout for audiences.

Submissions of Graduate Posters should the following components: 

Document 1:

  • A title page with the title of the poster and the author(s)’ affiliations, mailing addresses, telephone numbers, and e-mail addresses.
  • Mark "Debut" if the author has not presented previously at a regional or national convention.
  • Statement of professional responsibility:

 “In submitting the attached poster, I/We recognize that this submission is considered a professional responsibility. I/We agree to present this poster if it is accepted and programmed. I/We further recognize that all who attend and present at ECA’s annual meeting must register and pay required fees.”

Document 2:

  • A title page with the title of the poster only.
  • An abstract on the second page.
  • A 1 – 2 page description of the research to be depicted, including ideas/questions that will be discussed during your poster session and recommendations for future research.

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